Monday, 20 May 2013

Seasonal Weather Forecast for Summer 2013

Some of you may find this interesting. Environment Canada publishes seasonal forecasts based model predictions. Forecasts are published each month, for the next three months. It's looking like this summer is predicted to be slightly drier than normal (but not as extreme as last year), and warmer than normal, with other reports in the media saying not as hot as last summer. What is 'normal'? Normal is based on the average weather from 1981 to 2010.

View the maps at the links, below. Predictions made in April for timeframe May- June-July, current seasonal forecasts:

Temperature (map) - red means warmer than normal, blue means cooler than normal, white means 'normal' temperature conditions.

Preciptation (map) - red means more wet than normal, blue means less wet than normal, white means 'normal' precipitation conditions.

These predictions are not perfect, but might give gardeners some indication of what may occur. Of course, we just deal with what the weather gives us, regardless of what the weather people say!

Good luck!