Friday, 17 May 2013

Compost and New Planter Boxes - May 2013

Hi to all anxious gardeners.

Finally the good weather is upon us this long weekend, and the City compost should arrive Friday afternoon.
We will try to divide it in 4 piles: East, West and two central areas.

The individual plot limits are: 4 wheel barrows (our black ones) for each annual plot and 2 wheel barrows for each perennial plot.

Remember that sharing is caring, don't take more than your allowable limit please. If we see that there is a lot of leftover (like last year) we will let you know after.

New planter boxes: we are planning to meet on Saturday morning at 10:00 am to help finish filling these planters in order to rent them out this season. We will use our wheel barrows as well and our shovels. If you have extra tools such as these, please bring them in.

Water connection preparation for these boxes: we will need a couple of volunteers to dig 4 small trenches, 1 to 2 inches wide and about 8 inches deep in order for our water pipes to be laid down by our professional volunteers next week.

We are all excited about this project as it contributes to solving some of the long waiting list and it increases our membership.

Hope to see you all at the gardens on these dates or during the weekend.

Mike Chebbo