Visit this blog for news and events occurring in the Nepean allotment garden, Ottawa, Canada. Please visit our website:
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Garden Map is available online
In case you haven't noticed, the NAGA garden map is now digital and available online. You will find it at the top of the Home page for the new NAGA website.
The previous numbering system served for a long time. One problem with the old system was that there were several gaps in the numbering (numbers without plots). Also, perennials had a numbering/labelling system that required some deciphering: two plots with the same number, but east and west plots, which could have separate annual lease owners. Finally, by looking at the plot numbers alone, one could no tell if it might be an annual plot or a perennial plot.
The new numbering was determined in the following way: All annual plots have numbers from 1 to 134. All perennial plots are 200-series numbers. The perennials are numbered from 200 to 291. The above-ground boxes are numbered as B1, B2, B3, etc. Some of the boxes in the map are not built yet, but their numbers are already allocated. As a rule the numbers increase as one moves eastward, and southward. The preferred location of the numbered posts are also noted as small black squares.
The new numbering will also assist the NAGA Board in correctly recording plot numbers when inspecting the plots for uncontrolled weeds, or for being untended (neglected/ungardened).
Water tap locations are also noted, as are several other features of the garden. With the snow now gone (the map was made in the winter time), some minor corrections may still occur.
Important: With the new above-ground boxes near the Fire Station, the map provides a warning that absolutely no NAGA members are to ever park at the Fire Hall parking lot. Similarly, we are never to park on the Hydro Ottawa access road. Please park on the grass near the boxes, or in the main parking area, or in any legal location along the street.