The "Terms and Conditions of License" that each gardener agrees to and signs in the spring time clearly lays out the policy on cornstalks.
Terms and Conditions Item #7: "Non-plant refuse is to be placed in garbage receptacles. Compost bins are provided for plant refuse, EXCEPT CORN STALKS." An inconsiderate gardener has decided to dump their long, uncut, cornstalks next to one of the compost bins in the western end of the garden. Picture 1, taken today, shows the evidence of this deed.

Picture 1
Terms and Conditions, Item #8: "DO NOT PLACE IN THE GARBAGE OR IN THE COMPOST BINS." See Picture 2, left, on the correct way to take care of your cornstalks.

Picture 2
These two Terms and Conditions (7 & 8) exist so that compost can be made in the compost bins. As uncut cornstalks do not break down quickly enough in compost, they hinder the production of compost. Therefore, these rules are not there for the sake of having rules, they are there for the benefit of all gardeners!
What this inconsiderate gardener has done is to break two important terms of their contract, AND now other garden volunteers will have to deal with this mess.
Picture 1
Terms and Conditions, Item #8: "DO NOT PLACE IN THE GARBAGE OR IN THE COMPOST BINS." See Picture 2, left, on the correct way to take care of your cornstalks.
Picture 2
These two Terms and Conditions (7 & 8) exist so that compost can be made in the compost bins. As uncut cornstalks do not break down quickly enough in compost, they hinder the production of compost. Therefore, these rules are not there for the sake of having rules, they are there for the benefit of all gardeners!
What this inconsiderate gardener has done is to break two important terms of their contract, AND now other garden volunteers will have to deal with this mess.
Gardeners are reminded that their leases can be terminated by the Board for breaking the Terms and Conditions of License. (Item #15: All terms and conditions of the license will be strictly enforced. This permit may be withdrawn by the Association at any time or not renewed should the member fail to use the garden plot in a good and proper manner, be guilty of improper conduct or interfere with other member’s garden plots.)