(just passing along the newsletter, http://www.justfood.ca/)
Just Food News and Events
The Midway was a huge success thanks to our dedicated volunteers. We appreciate everyone who came out to either help out or play some games.
Photos can be seen on our Facebook page:
The Just Food Farm Gate Vegetable Stand is winding up its first successful season with a special Thanksgiving sale. Come and stock up on fresh, local and organically grown produce for your holiday meals!
Just Food and the farmers in our Start-Up Farm Program would like to thank Ottawa and especially Blackburn Hamlet residents for your support at the Farm Gate Stand this season. The farmers look forward to continuing and growing the stand next year.
Participating farms include:
Emabel Farm
Goddard Id Farm
Herbivor Farm
Karen Community Farm
Nanabush Food Forests
Still Growing Farms
The Wild Garden
Van Vliet Horticulture
When: Our last day for 2013 will be a special Thanksgiving sale on Saturday October 12 from 9AM – 1PM. The stand will be closed on Sunday October 13.
Where: Just Food Farm: 2389 Pepin Court, Blackburn Hamlet
For more information on the start-up farmers and their products please visit our new About the Farms webpage: http://www.justfood.ca/startupfarmprogram/about-the-farms.php
For more information on the Start-Up Farm Program: http://www.justfood.ca/startupfarmprogram/
3. Business Planning Workshop for Start-Up FarmersThis course is for new farmers who have gone through an exploratory stage, have made the decision to start their own business or may have already begun, and are ready for more detailed business planning. The course introduces participants to the different aspects of starting and managing a new farm business, and connects them with resources and advisors that can support their planning and implementation. Topics to be covered include business goals, production and marketing methods, human resources, accessing farmland, start-up financing, and financial management. Note: you will not prepare a business plan during the course.
When: Saturday, October 19, 9AM to 4PM
Where: Location confirmed upon registration (in Ottawa)
Where: Location confirmed upon registration (in Ottawa)
Cost: $85, payable in cash at the door
To register: Contact Leela at leela@justfood.ca or 613-699-6850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-699-6850 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x15
To register: Contact Leela at leela@justfood.ca or 613-699-6850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

Food Preservation is a useful skill to save the harvest and to save money. Come learn the basics of food preservation to enjoy nature’s bounty throughout the year.
Registration is required for all workshops as space is limited.
When: October 21, 5 – 7 PM
Where: Centretown Community Health Centre, 420 Cooper Street
Cost: Free
To register: Contact Julie at 613-233-4443 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-233-4443 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x2108 for to reserve your spot.

It can take up to a year or longer to get a Community Garden started in a neighbourhood. If you are interested in starting a garden in your community, be sure to attend one of our free "How to Start a Community Garden" workshops where you will learn about the steps involved, including how to search for land, what is essential when starting a community garden, the supports that are available, tips for organizing the garden, and much more.
When: Tuesday, October 22, 7 – 9 PM
Where: Torbolton Institute, 3924 Woodkilton Road, West Carleton
Map to location: http://treenuts.ca/tc/tc.html
* Registration is required
When: November 5, 6 – 8 PM
Where: Centretown Community Health Centre, 420 Cooper Street, Ottawa
* Registration is required
To register: Contact Anissa at cgnintern@justfood.ca or call 613-699-6850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-699-6850 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x12.

6. Start-Up Farm Program – Taking applications until October 31Are you a new farmer looking to start your own farm operation? Just Food's Start-Up Farm Program is now taking applications for 2014. By offering access to land, shared infrastructure/equipment, and training, the program aims to enable more people in this region to start their own successful farm business. Program participants can access up to 3 years of on-site support at the Just Food Farm, at a subsidized rate building towards a cost-recovery basis.
The Start-Up Farm Program offers a low-risk way for new farmers to test their business ideas and to develop additional skills, experience, markets and networks before committing to a larger, longer-term farm operation. The program offers an entry point for a diversity of new farmers, including those from a non-farm background, second careerists, new Canadians, and those with farm experience in other settings.
When: Applications for 2014 are due by Thursday, October 31st at 4 PM
The Start-Up Farm Program offers a low-risk way for new farmers to test their business ideas and to develop additional skills, experience, markets and networks before committing to a larger, longer-term farm operation. The program offers an entry point for a diversity of new farmers, including those from a non-farm background, second careerists, new Canadians, and those with farm experience in other settings.
When: Applications for 2014 are due by Thursday, October 31st at 4 PM
To apply: For details on the program, the application process, and for the applicationform, visit our website at http://www.justfood.ca/startupfarmprogram/
For more information: Contact Leela at leela@justfood.ca or 613-699-6850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-699-6850 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x15
For more information: Contact Leela at leela@justfood.ca or 613-699-6850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

In 2014, Just Food is looking to add beekeeping as a new partnership project at our farm site. This Request for Proposals outlines the terms for a proposed beekeeping project/business to begin next year.
All applications must be received by Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 4 PM.
If you have questions about your project idea, please contact Leela Ramachandran, Manager of Farm Programs, leela@justfood.ca or 613-699-6850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-699-6850 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x 15

For more information: http://www.justfood.ca/ beekeeping-proposals.php
Celebrate the seasons with sweet, nature-inspired activities, storytelling and puppetry.
Activities are designed for 3 - 6 year old children with their parent.
Children are deeply connected with the world of nature. Together we will share gentle outdoor experiences as our children explore the natural world around them. Mornings include nature walks and puppetry on the 100 acre wooded urban farm, visits to the frog pond, and sweet seasonal activities and crafts in the farmhouse.
When: Winter Term begins January 6, Mondays
Where: Just Food Farm, 2389 Pepin Court, Blackburn Hamlet
The new Ottawa Food Policy Council will be launched during World Food Week on Tuesday, October 15 at 11 am at City Hall in the Colonel By room. All are welcome.
For more information: Contact Christina Marchant at 613-233-2317 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-233-2317 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x 2188.

Guest speakers:
Delia Barkley, “Raising Food Aware Kids”
Louise Garrow, “Food As Culture”
Soup, Stone Soup Foodworks
Bannock , Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
When: Wednesday, October 16, 7 – 9 PM, Doors open at 6:30PM
Where: Hub Ottawa, 71 Bank St
Cost: Suggested donation $5 -$10
To register: RSVP on event brite to reserve your seat: https://www.eventbrite.ca/event/8610788099 Limited tickets at the door.
As many Canadians are preparing Thanksgiving Dinner, Prime Minister Harper will put the finishing touches on the Speech from the Throne.
What would YOU announce in the Speech from the Throne?
Food Secure Canada (FSC) is calling on all political leaders in Canada to address food on World Food Day. The food system is broken and leaders are needed who will work with citizens to make it more equitable, healthy, safe, and sustainable.
Share your ideas about what needs to be done! Send FSC your 30-second video.
Record yourself in a 30-second video using your computer or phone, with the following format:
My name is…
I’m from….
On World Food Day, I would announce...
Upload your video on Youtube if you have a Youtube account:
Name it "WFDFSC2013: (YOUR NAME)'s Speech from the Throne"
Tag it “Food Throne Speech”
If you do not have a Youtube account, send it to communications@foodsecurecanada.org with “Food in the Throne speech” in the subject line.
For more information: http://foodsecurecanada.org/speech-throne
Why are sustainable food systems central to food security locally and globally?
Host: Diana Bronson, Executive Director of Food Secure Canada
Guest: Wayne Roberts, Canadian food policy analyst and author of ‘No Nonsense Guide to World Food’
When: Wednesday, October 16, 12:30 – 2 PM
Other Community News and Events
Share Thanksgiving is a volunteer-run initiative that connects newcomers and established Canadian families to share Thanksgiving dinner. Last year 100 family pairs participated and it was a huge success and now they are bringing this project to Ottawa. They are looking for hosts to welcome newcomers into their homes to share this traditional celebration. Care to break bread and build community this Thanksgiving?
When: Thanksgiving weekend, October 12-14
Where: Dining rooms across Ottawa!
Cost: Free* (*the cost of making food for a few extra people)
Concerned citizens will March Against Monsanto, calling for the permanent boycott of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and other harmful agro-chemicals. Assembly will commence at Major's Hill Park at 1:00p.m. The march will pass through Byward Market and conclude at Parliament Hill with speakers and other presentations. Currently, marches are being planned on six continents, in 36 countries, totaling events in over 250 cities, in the US, 47 states and in Canada, 37 listed events in 7 provinces and growing.
When: Saturday, October 12, 1PM
Where: Start at Major’s Hill Park, end at Parliament Hill
For more information: www.march-against-monsanto.com
A variety of chefs from the Ottawa Mission and Loblaws will show some tasty low cost recipes each week. While they do that, recipes will be discussed and any questions you may have will be answered. When they're done, everyone gets to taste a sample of each recipe.
When: Five Wednesday afternoons, 1 - 2:30 PM, starting October 16
Where: Sandy Hill Community Health Centre, 221 Nelson Street
Cost: Free
To register: Phone Olly at 613-244-2792 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-244-2792 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Growing Garlic Organically
When: Thursday, October 17, 7 – 9 PM
Where: Heartwood House, 400 McArthur Avenue (near St. Laurent Blvd.)
Cost: $15; Discounts for students and seniors.
Cost: $15; Discounts for students and seniors.
To register: http://cog.ca/ottawa/organic-gardening-workshops/
For more information: http://cog.ca/ottawa/organic-week/
Windsor, Ontario will be hosting Sustain Ontario’s 2013 Bring Food Home Conference – Building Bridges Together. This year’s conference will feature a wide range of workshops, new farmer training, compelling keynote speakers and a feast of local flavours, connecting those individuals and organizations who are working towards a sustainable food system.
When: November 17 to 19
Where: St. Clair Centre for the Arts in Windsor, ON
Cost: From $125 - $325, Early Bird Registration ends October 18
For more information and to register: http://bringfoodhome.com/
Tucker House, with financial assistance from the Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security, invites you to seed saving training.
Seed Cleaning Techniques
When: Sunday, October 20, 1 to 6 PM
Cost: $40
When: Sunday, October 20, 1 to 6 PM
Cost: $40
Where: Greta's Organic Gardens, 399 River Road, Gloucester
To register: Contact Nathalie Mathieu at 613-446-2117 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
613-446-2117 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x8, or community@tuckerhouse.ca

Find more details: http://www.maisontuckerhouse.ca/seed-saving-training/
The event is intended to provide more in-depth information to people who have been food-gardening for a number of years and have advanced gardening knowledge.
Topics being addressed at the event include:
-Introduction to Permaculture Principles, presented by Douglas Barnes, Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario;
-Victorious Vegetables: Bringing it to The People, presented by Master Gardeners David Hinks and Tom Marcantonio;
-The Modern Victory Garden, presented by author and urban home-steader Janette Haase; and
-Pests and Diseases, presented by Monique Paré, former Master Gardener and emeritus scientist in the field of pest management and pesticide regulation.
In addition to hearing the talks by the speakers, participants will have the chance to bid on silent auction items, and participate in a "Read and Seed" exchange.
Delicious lunch and snacks provided by the Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton & Lanark County.
When: Saturday,October 26, All-day event commencing at 8:30AM
Where: St James Church, 225 Edmund St, Carleton Place
Cost: Non-Master Gardener Members is $35.00
For more information: http://mgottawa.mgoi.ca/
USC Canada is delighted to host the Ottawa launch of Wayne Roberts’ new edition of his wonderfully readable No Nonsense Guide to World Food.
A presentation by Wayne at 6:30PM. Free Snacks and Cash Bar til 8:30PM.
When: Friday, November 1, Doors open at 5:30PM
Where: Mercury Lounge, 56 Byward Market Square
Check out the brand new, updated and expanded edition of Seeds of Diversity's popular seed saving guide!!
-Best of new, cutting-edge research and improved techniques
-Detailed, step-by-step seed saving and storage instructions
-Beautiful illustrations and photographs
-Separate instructions for beginners and experts
-Easy-to-follow reference tables and charts for each species
-Extra features such as pollinator profiles and seed saving tips
-Clear explanations of botanical concepts
Cost: $15.00 including postage
The Local Food Fund is designed to support innovative local food projects that celebrate local food, and help create jobs and economic growth in Ontario.
The Fund will support projects in four categories:
1. Regional and Local Food Networks
2. Enhanced Technologies, Capacity and/or Minor Capital
3. Research and Best Practices
4. Education, Marketing and Outreach
For more information: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/about/localfood.htm