Please take a look at for upcoming activities and workshops.
You can also subscribe to their online newsletter (recommended).
Upcoming events include:
News and Events
1. Just Food Farm Stand Open Sundays - Check out Garlic Day on September 14th
2. Just Food's Start-Up Farm Program now taking applications for 2015 - Information Session September 15th
3. Tomato Preservation Workshops - September 18th and 23rd
4. September Farm Workshop Series - September 20th and 27th - SOLD OUT
5. Shop for Local Food with SavourOttawaOnline
Other Community News and Events
6. West End Well - NOW OPEN
7. Call for Oktoberfest Volunbeers - October 3rd & 4th
8.Food Secure Canada's Eight National Assembly - November 13th -16th
9. Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference - November 24th & 25th