Thursday, 29 May 2014

Remaining compost, and Straw delivery - 7 June between 10:00 - 11:00


It was just confirmed with our supplier that he can deliver straw to our gardens for sale at $6 each bale on Saturday 7 June 2014, between 10 and 11 AM at our parking lot.

Please bring exact change cash only (no exceptions)!

Remaining compost:

You can help yourselves with the compost amount that we still have left, especially at both East and West ends of the gardens. COMPOST IS ONLY FOR USE ON THE NAGA PROPERTY. You cannot take it home etc.
We need to use the compost before it gets confused with the new sand and soil that are coming in this Saturday (31 May) at the wooden planter boxes area. The new soil and sand are for filling the boxes that we will be working on Saturday at 10:00.  Come and volunteer with the boxes!

NAGA Chair