Thursday, 11 July 2013

Help wanted to prepare new planters!

Hi to all NAGA gardeners,
As part of our commitment to expand west on the section between our main site and the fire station, we received a grant from the City of Ottawa to build new wooden planters.
A lot of the material from last year is still usable, therefore we went ahead and bought enough cedar logs 6X6 enough to build 10 more planters for next season.
Lee Coates, our hard working NAGA Director, has taken onto his shoulder this baby project last year and got a lot of experience putting things together.
This year, he would need some help to prepare the wooden logs: measuring, cutting, and organizing them by order.
However, he works on a retired schedule: 9 am to 12pm, or 1 pm to 3 pm.
If you are available and willing to help him, even if it is a one or two time only, please contact him directly. Email nagagardens @ gmail com for his contact info.
We are looking to prepare at least one or two planters this Friday (12th) and or Monday (15th) in order to maximize the use of some students who are coming over on Monday afternoon to help around the gardens. We plan to use their help to stack up the cedar logs and to fill each planter with sand and soil as we build it up.
Please show Lee some appreciation for the hard work he does and give him a hand or two.
Mike Chebbo