Visit this blog for news and events occurring in the Nepean allotment garden, Ottawa, Canada. Please visit our website:
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Are you taking vacation this summer? Serious issues keeping you from your plot?
Gardening is rewarding, but it is a lot of work to keep a garden tidy. Weed control keeps the garden looking good for the community and is also a courtesy to adjacent plots; they don't want your weeds to propagate to their plot. But sometimes, life takes over, and you just can't get to the garden for a week or more, and the weeds will grow, and grow rapidly!
If you are going on vacation during the gardening months, please have somebody help you out during your absence. As a last resort please notify a Board member that you are going to be away for a period. In this case the Board may be able to enlist help to keep the weeds controlled while you are away. At least the 'weed patrol' will be aware why there may be a problem.
Unfortunately, if you find yourself dealing with a serious family issue, illness for example, and you cannot keep up with your garden plot while you deal with this, please look for help from a friend or other gardener to control the weeds in your plot. If that is not possible, as a last resort please let a member of the NAGA Board know. We do not want or need personal details. But we might be able to help you keep the weeds under control while you deal with much more serious issues.
To contact the Board, please email: