Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Hi there gardeners!

I hope everyone has had a great winter. As you know our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Wednesday April 13. It was a rainy night, and attendance was a liitle sparse, but lots of important work was done. Here are some highlights from the meeting.
Meghann Darroch has stepped up to be our Vice Chair on the Board of Directors. Thanks so much Meghann! You will do a fantastic job in this position.
There are openings on the Board of Directors for Directors at large and for a Maintenance Director.
We will have a porta pottie again this year.
We have decided not to contract out the grass cutting and will be taking care of it internally. A huge thank you to Kaz, who will be cutting the grass for us all summer long.
A big thank you to Bill Nye (not the science guy) who is taking care of the compost again.

I look forward to seeing you on one of our spring clean up days, Saturday April 30 from 9-1 or Sunday May 1 from 1-3. Happy gardening!