Sunday, 29 September 2013

The History of the Nepean Allotment Gardens from 1991 to 2002, by Ian A. Reid

If you are at all curious in the history of the NAGA Gardens, from it's inception in 1991, we invite you to read the three-part document that long term NAGA member and gardener Ian Reid, has written. This is a 42 page long history for which NAGA members owe a great debt of gratitude to Ian for doing so much work in preserving our history, and for allowing us to publish this work online.

The History of the Nepean Allotment Gardens: From its inception in 1991 through 2002 is currently found on the
main page of the NAGA website in three separate documents. The first document includes a Table of Contents.


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Free organic compost for your plot - get it now!

As per the previous compost story, we worked hard on cleaning up the top of one of the 2 main compost bins behind the tool shed. However, the organic compost in the bottom of it is a great source to enrich your plots soil, all annuals and perennials.
Mr Bill Nye is asking you all to help yourself with it in order to clear this bin for this year's green residues.
If you would like to help Bill during the weekday, you may contact him directly by calling him at: 613-723-0320
Mike Chebbo
Chair, NAGA

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Annual Potluck Picnic - 14 Sept 2013

Hello Gardeners,
Fall is upon us and it is time for our annual Potluck Picnic!  It is happening on Saturday September 14 from 2-4pm at the tree by the winter storage area.
Please bring a dish to share and a chair to sit in. Come on out! Spread the word! Everyone welcome.
Burgers (including HALAL burgers) will be served.
See you there,

on behalf of Amanda:
Mike Chebbo

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Local Gardening Research - Growing Sweetpotatoes in Ottawa

Ian Reid, a well respected and long time NAGA member, has written a thorough and wholly fantastic description of how to grow sweetpotatoes (or sweet potatoes), which is a tropical plant, in Ottawa, here in the temperate zone. He has kindly made this available to the world via our
NAGA website, on the Gardening Tips page. The file is called "My Second Year Growing Organic Sweetpotatoes, by Ian A. Reid".

If you are at all interested in learning about growing this delicious and healthy vegetable here in the more northerly latitudes, you must give Ian's article a read.

Thank you to Ian for sharing this research with our fellow gardeners.

Your end of season compost

Please take note that today, with the help of Bill, Benson and I, cleared up all the tops of the southern big compost bin (see where Bill and Benson are standing on top of).

<--North   South-->

The pile that you see is very good compost that we would like you to help yourself with in the next 2 weeks in order to empty it completely so that we can refill it with fresh plants residues from all over the smaller compost bins.

Should you have to bring in new green material to throw away, please throw it on the very top of the already filled north bin until this one is completely emptied,

Mike Chebbo

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Fall Compost organising - 7 Sept 2013

Hi to all gardeners,
Graciously donating his time and efforts, our Bill Nye took the initiative to repile one of the big compost bins behind the sheds, but he needs some helpers:
If you wish to help, please show up at 9:30 am on this coming Saturday, Sep 7, 2013 near the sheds. We have enough tools to use in order to reorganize that big pile of compost.
Our purpose is to empty one of the 2 bins in order to make it available to store this year's stocks in it.
Mike Chebbo