Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Seedy Saturday

Seedy Saturday is coming to Ottawa

Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre, 105 Greenview Av

Saturday March 3, 2012 from 10-3. Come celebrate local food, farming, and gardening at the annual Seedy Saturday in Ottawa. It's free and all are welcome!

Join in the annual seed exchange and sale, featuring an organic mini-market, garden talks, and workshops, a swap table, and organic snacks. Workshop seating is limited, and here's the line-up:

10:30 - Gardening on Small Plots: tips, tricks, and recommended vegetables - this workshop will be hosted by USC Canada's Genevieve Grossenbacher, who also helps run the nearby Our Little Farm with her husband.

11:30 - Garlic Pests: A look at how to control nematodes, hosted by Paul Pospisil

12:30 - Grow your Own Dry Beans: This workshop will be hosted by USC Canada Board Member and organic farmer Daniel Brisebois from Tourne-Sol Cooperative Farm.

13:30 - How to Plant for Seed: A beginners workshop on how to plant for successful backyard seed saving in the coming season. This one will be hosted by Kate Green of USC Canada and shared with a local seed saver extraordinaire from theJust Food Community.

Come early to make sure youget space! And the schedule is subject to change, so be sure to check it when you arrive. Contact: Tel: 613-521-8648